Ensuring effective communication, worldwide.
Lexicomm’s Executive Director, Nancy E. Smoler, founded the company to meet the needs of insurance companies facing the challenges of communicating technical and legal aspects of their work to subsidiaries and consumers around the globe. Having worked for many years as an overseas management consultant for Cigna’s worldwide insurance operations, Smoler had experienced firsthand the difficulty of securing appropriate and accurate translations within the field of health and property/casualty insurance. She brought to Lexicomm an awareness of the potential liability incurred by clients when providing translated policies, procedures, and contracts to customers.
As the company grew, Lexicomm applied this experience in technical translation to other subject areas as specific and diverse as pharmaceuticals, banking, and roofing, and in formats including print, web, radio, and TV. In recent years a substantial area of growth has been in the translation of marketing materials targeting non-English-speaking populations in the United States.
Today Lexicomm is in more than 45 languages, maintains a presence on every continent except Antarctica, and benefits from the expertise of more than 300 linguists.

Nancy E. Smoler
executive director
Lexicomm founder and Executive Director Nancy E. Smoler has extensive experience producing high-quality, culturally appropriate, foreign-language print and multimedia for use internationally and domestically in all of the world’s major commercial languages.
Before establishing Lexicomm in 1987, Smoler worked as an international management consultant at CIGNA Corporation, the worldwide insurance and financial services company. Her assignments required long-term overseas residence for on-site operational analyses in Asia, Europe, and the Caribbean. She is proficient in six languages.
Her career and education highlights include on-site business and cross-cultural consulting experience in more than 12 countries, special assignments for the chief executive officers of several Fortune 250 firms, including delivery in 8 languages of a quarterly “state of the company” address to stakeholders highlighting corporate direction and financial results.
Smoler also served as a consultant to the Annenberg Foundation Trust, managing the production in 14 languages of print, online, and video materials relating to the United States Constitution which were distributed to libraries across the country.
Smoler is a frequent keynote speaker on the topics of commercial and technical translation, multimedia translation, and eLearning localization, for regional, national, and international organizations. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania and did graduate studies in Sociolinguistics at the University of Pennsylvania and the Ludwigs-Maximillian University of Munich.

Nancy morris
Director of Research and Academic Translation
Lexicomm is pleased to announce the addition to its staff of Nancy Morris as Director of Research and Academic Translation. Morris, a Temple University emeritus professor, has translated scholarly works from Spanish to English, and has published academic papers on language, identity, and global media in English and Spanish.
Her participation will allow Lexicomm to expand its translation offerings in research and language consulting.
Nancy Morris was a faculty member at Temple University’s Klein College of Media and Communication from 1999 until her retirement in 2021. She received her Ph.D. in Communications in 1992 from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and taught at the University of Stirling, Scotland from 1993-1998. In 2002 she spent a semester at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, as the invited Unesco Communications Chair, and in 2012, pursuing her interest in Latin American protest music, she received a Fulbright Scholar Award for research and teaching in Chile. She is author of Puerto Rico: Culture, politics and identity, and translator of Thinking about music from Latin America: Issues and questions, by Chilean musicologist Juan Pablo González (Lexington, 2018). She has published articles on globalization and identity in various scholarly journals.
Bio - español
Nancy Morris es Profesora Emérita de la Facultad de Comunicaciones de Temple University, EE.UU. Recibió su Ph.D. en Comunicaciones de la Universidad de Pensilvania en 1992, y fue profesora en la Universidad de Stirling, Escocia, de 1993-98. En 2002 ocupó el puesto de Cátedra Unesco de Comunicación en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, y en 2012 pasó un semestre en la Universidad de Chile con una beca de la Comisión Fulbright. Su programa de investigación se centra en las relaciones entre globalización, identidad cultural, y comunicación, con enfoque en América Latina. Es autora de varios trabajos sobre estos temas y sobre su especialización más estrecha, la Nueva Canción Chilena. Sus artículos se han publicado en Comunicación y Medios (Chile), Communication Theory, the European Journal of Communication; the International Journal of Communication; Media, Culture and Society; Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Puerto Rico) y Latin American Research Review, entre otros. También es autora del libro Puerto Rico: Culture, Politics and Identity, y traductora (del español al inglés) del libro Pensar la Música desde América Latina por el musicólogo chileno Juan Pablo González.
Translation Team

Lexicomm is respected within the language industry not only by clients but also by the translators, media producers, editors, and other professionals who work with us. We attract top talent because our managers are also translators and editors. We value the language professionals we work with, compensate them fairly, and provide the tools and assistance necessary to facilitate their best work on each assignment. Most of our translators have worked with Lexicomm for more than a decade.